It seems to you that circumstances are invariably not in your favor? Again, a promising project at work did not get, because of traffic jams were late on the plane, and on the long-awaited vacation they suddenly fell ill. What is hidden behind the phenomenon of chronic bad luck, the psychologist Marina Mayus explains.

Run away from reality

“The husband can stumble out in the blue, get hurt, cutting bread, and even the equipment is out of order,” Arina admits. – At work, he is an excellent specialist, but in everyday life it is inattentive – hence a series of constant failures. ".

“As soon as the situation allows you to relax, a person returns

Mais s'il est en colère ou s'arrête généralement le processus – c'est un drapeau rouge! Si son egocentrisme vous permet de vous considérer comme le meilleur amant du monde et acheter cialis soft sexe est une occasion de montrer vos capacités, et non une aventure pour deux, il vaut mieux se séparer tout de suite. Surtout s'il dit quelque chose comme "personne ne s'est plaint" (qu'est-ce que cela a à faire avec vous?) "Avez-vous toujours des problèmes avec un orgasme" (?!).

to the usual distraction. This behavior is often associated with emotional and physical violence in the family, especially if it was unpredictable, ”explains the psychotherapist Marina Myus. – The child could not do anything that violated the prohibitions of adults, but the parents still broke the accumulated aggression on him. For the same event, the punishment could be applied or not. Because of this inconsistency, the child has formed the habit of removing from the apparent dangerous reality, the desire to go into the illusory world of fantasies ".

Get attention

“It all started back at school and continued at the institute, where I always came across the only ticket whose questions I knew are the worst of all,” says Mikhail. – Now it can be difficult for me to be convincing at work meetings as well as colleagues manage. They are entrusted with projects, for the implementation of which I did all the preliminary work ".

“Sometimes we do everything so that the situation is not in our favor,” the psychologist believes. – A person can unconsciously sabotage the circumstances that promise him success. In this case, refuse to speak at meetings, having in stock ideas that others will then use. So the fear of becoming successful, often launched in a parental family, can speak in us. From childhood, the child was forced to do what he was not interested, they demanded high results in his studies, condemned for any failure. Growing up, such a person unconsciously creates situations in which he is unsuccessful, symbolically punishing his parents by destroying their expectations.

Another scenario is also possible, in which the teenager is convinced “to look at things real” and appreciate not a risky forward movement in life, but guaranteed stability. Avoiding success, a person again convinces himself to what his parents said to him. This gives rise to anxiety and at the same time a bitter feeling that it was not possible to realize dreams.

How to get out of an bad luck circle?

The most important condition for turning the situation is to try to understand your inner benefit. You are afraid that success and well -being will put the wall between you and loved ones? The position of eternal bad luck buys sympathy and attention? Think about why you are isolating only negative episodes, not noticing that obviously good that gives life. Fear that for joyful self -awareness will have to pay a series of failures, can make us eventually and emotionally rob our life.